Tuesday 10 January 2012

The blogging begins...

So, here my foray into the world of blogging begins. 

Until now I have read other peoples blogs but never felt the urge to take part...so what has changed? Everything. 

Eight weeks ago I gave birth to our beautiful first baby. It has flipped my world upside down, and believe me I have never been a fan of roller coasters until now. 

I don't wish to become a figure of hate for most new mums, but I have a seriously chilled, easy baby. Another post on this will follow...I was a 'ten month mama'...actually 43 weeks and 2 days...very unusual, and now I have a very unusual baby :-)

We took to breastfeeding easily and she sleeps really well - so in a funny kind of way I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands. I have 6 months maternity leave away from a very busy job so this excess spare time is alien ground for me...

Having my daughter has also led me to evaluate my life in general - the past (decade two was particularly eventful), the present and what I hope for the future - so maybe this blog will be an outlet for my musings on this. 

Identity #1 is now most definitely 'mummy' (hence the blog name, inspired eh?!) but blog content will not be limited to mum-stuff. My other love - and this definitely never changes - is food. I love to eat it, cook it, read about it, think about it, dream about it etc etc...you get the idea, now I want to blog about it.

So, whether anyone actually read this stuff or not, I am looking forward to emptying my head while filling up this site...


  1. Congratulations! and welcome to the world of blogging.
    I didn't start blogging till my Daughter was almost 4 yrs old, so missed the boat on the baby thing. But still I like to do parent blogging and hopefully have some interesting tips. I also like to network and to 'blog up' all that I think is good for us parents - so if it is in HonieLikes they must have impressed me. I tweet as @honieBuk

  2. Hey you. Well done on taking the plunge. Hope we see lots more of your posts.

    I didn't have my children as little babies so that stage passes me by in a haze of misunderstanding.

    You have lots to come yet mwahahah.

